I’ve decided to start accepting sponsors on my site. This is something that I’ve thought a lot in the past few weeks. This might help me get more free time to write more tutorials (and more complex ones). And it also might get some products/companies noticed by more people.
If you’re reading my newsletter or following me on Twitter, you might have noticed that I’ve started a new project “Simple Sponsorships“.
This is a plugin that can help you manage sponsors on your WordPress site and also accept payments for sponsorships.
Why Sponsorships on this site?
There are a few reasons behind this decision:
- Sponsorships/Sponsors will help me get some more free time from work which I could spend on writing more tutorials and give my audience some more quality content,
- This will also help other companies, products, and people to get noticed even more since my site now gets around 30 000 page views per month,
- It will help me see what needs to be improved in my Simple Sponsorships plugin and also what features should be added.
How will this work?
Since my site is mostly about tutorials, you could relate my tutorials to podcast episodes in this scenario.
My tutorials can be sponsored (even old ones; if you’re interested in their traffic, contact me). For example, I have several WooCommerce tutorials and if you have a WooCommerce extension, course or something else, you can sponsor one or more tutorials. Your logo and description will be added at the bottom of the tutorial (linked to your site/product).
You can also sponsor my entire site for a month. This would get your logo and description (and link) on the sidebar of each page and in the footer.
Don’t Memberships already sponsor your time?
The memberships of my site are another thing. They do also help me sponsor my time for writing tutorials but are priced at a low point of $3/month so a lot of people who want to learn more can afford to do so.
This is done so I can evaluate what to write and then reward some people with a little bit more information in a particular tutorial. Members are getting a different reward. They get additional information and knowledge.
The sponsors are not getting such information but are promoting their own business or product to an audience which is consisted mostly of developers.
Interested in sponsoring?
If you’re interested in sponsoring, let me tell you a bit of what I offer at the moment.
I decided to offer different packages (type of sponsorships) so you can see what suits your need the best. The packages are:
- One Tutorial ($100) – You will sponsor one tutorial of your own choice (if it’s available),
- Custom Tutorial ($500) – We discuss the tutorial to be written (development focused) or you choose a tutorial which does not have a sponsor yet. This tutorial will only show your sponsor information,
- 5 Tutorials ($400) – We can discuss which tutorials are you interested into to see if they are available,
- Site ($1000) – You will sponsor my site for 30 days where I will show your sponsor information on the sidebar (shown on every tutorial) and in the footer.
If you think you might have something in return by sponsoring, head over to the Sponsor page and submit your request 🙂
Become a Sponsor
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